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Acronyme Intitulé complet du projet Intitulé du programme Trier par ordre décroissant
SWIFT-WFD Screening method for Water data Information in support of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive PCRD FP6
BRIDGE Background cRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater thrEsholds PCRD FP6
AQUATERRA Understanding river-sediment-soil-groundwater interactions for support of management of waterbodies (river basin & catchment areas) PCRD FP6
R²D²2050 Risque, Ressource en eau et gestion Durable de la Durance en 2050 GICC
DEMOWARE Innovation Demonstration for a Competitive and Innovative European Water Reuse Sector PCRD FP7
EPI-WATER Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe PCRD FP7
SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe Horizon 2020