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Affichage de 1 - 20 sur 2 résultat(s)
Acronyme Intitulé complet du projet Intitulé du programme Trier par ordre décroissant
TOPHYPAC TOlérance des communautés PHYtoplanctoniques aux PHYtosanitaires dans le PAnache de la Charente
REMANTAS REMANTAS (Raman Exalté pour Milieux Aquatiques : une Nouvelle Technologie d’Analyse sur Site)
SAMCO SAMCO (Society Adaptation for coping with Mountain risks in a global change COntext)
TECHNEAU technology enabled universal access to safe water PCRD FP6
TWINBASINXN Promoting Twinning of River Basins for Developing Integrated Water Resources Management Practices PCRD FP6
WATCH Water and global Change PCRD FP6
WATERBENCH-1 Benchmarking of Water Supply and Sanitation services in the NIS preparatory phase PCRD FP6
ASSESSING MICROPHYTO Assessing microphytobenthos structure in intertidal mudflats using visible - infrared remote sensing and pigment analysis by HLPC PCRD FP6
CECILIA Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment PCRD FP6
ALARM Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods PCRD FP6
INSEA Data Integration System for Eutrophication Assessment in Coastal Waters PCRD FP6
MELIA Mediterranean dialogue on integrated water management PCRD FP6
KEYBIOEFFECTS Cause-effect relationships of key pollutants on the European rivers biodiversity PCRD FP6
SOCOPSE Source control of priority substances in Europe PCRD FP6
MUGIL Main Uses of the Grey mullet as Indicator of Littoral environmental changes PCRD FP6
EFI+ Improvement and spatial extension of the European Fish Index PCRD FP6
AMEDEUS Accelerate Membrane Development for Urban Sewage Purification PCRD FP6
MEDINA Membrane-based Desalination: an Integrated Approach PCRD FP6
HYDRATE Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting PCRD FP6